- מספר דגם: BSS2021060930
- סוג השרשרת: שרשרת פיגארו
- דפוס צורה: LOCK
- סוג ההגדרה: מתח הר
- חומר: מתכת
- סגנון: בציר
- סוג האבזם: לובסטר טפר נועלים
- מין: נשים
- סוג מתכות: STAINLESS STEEL
- סוג צמידים: צמידים
- שם מותג: Dawapara
- מקור: CN (מקור)
- CN: Zhejiang
- סוג הפריט: Bracelets
- קנס או אופנה: אופנה
- metal: 304L stainless steel
- color: steel color,gold color
- Birthstone material: Zircon
- Birthstone color: 12 colors
- item: one piece bracelet
- style: Judaica
- meaning: Choshen
- pattern: Priestly breastplate
- for: men,women
- chain length: 20 cm
- pendant size: 19.9*25.7 mm
- support: dropshipping,wholesale
- when to ship: usually within 3 working days
- free shipping: free shipping for wholesale
Great Judaica gift from Israel for Hanukkah, Wedding, Jewish Holidays and any special occasion.
The length of the bracelet chain is 20 cm (7.87 inches), fit for most people, If you are looking for a religious element into your outfit, it will be a good choice.
One of the translations that were given to the Hoshen is the ‘Breastplate of Judgment’. It means that whenever the High Priest enters the Holy Place, ‘he shall bear the judgment of the children of Israel upon his heart before the Lord.’
The Choshen is a precious Priestly Breastplate that was primary worn by Aaron, brother of Moses. Aaron was the High Priest of the Jewish people. Thereafter, every High Priest of Israel began to wear the Breastplate during sacred religious ceremonies.
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